The main business of the Management Committee (MMC) is, in conjunction with the Headteacher, to exercise a strategic role in the running of the Tor School with emphasis on:

  • Pupil achievement
  • Teaching, learning and behaviour
  • Safeguarding and attendance
  • Leadership, management, finance, health & safety and premises

Please contact us if you have any questions

Tor School Management Committee Members:

(Click HERE to view members with the register of interests)

  • Matt Hill- Ex Officio member
  • Jen Jacklin – Community member
  • Kevin Rowlands – Chair
  • Gemma Heal – Parent member / Vice Chair
  • Liz Leyshon – LA representative
  • Dan Palmer – Safeguarding member
  • Graham Fogarty – Staff Member

Click HERE  to view the attendance of the Committee Members

To request a copy of the Management Committee meeting minutes please contact Mandy Ramsey:

Tor School
Beckery New Road
01458 258296